I would imagine that the vast majority enter marriage without serious thought. They certainly do not think in terms of "making a marriage successful." The continuing high divorce rate and many now simply " living together" suggests lack of serious thought.
Recognize God’s authority. God is the creator of man and woman (Gen. 2). He is also the author of marriage (Gen. 2 ; 3). Since God knows man and woman and is the author of marriage, He certainly has the right to tell us how to have a successful marriage. From the Genesis account learn that Eve was to be a "help meet," Adam was to leave mother and father and "cleave unto his wife," Adam was also to provide, and Eve was to be subjection to Adam (Gen. 2:18, 24, 3:17-19, 16). Other scriptures tell us more about marriage (Eph. 5: 22-6:4). Marriage, as ordained by God, is monogamous and permanent. (Matt. 19:4-10).
There must be denial of selfishness. One of the paramount cases for failure in marriages is selfishness. The "love" of Ephesians 5:25, 28, 33 is an unselfish love. This love actually has as its action the seeking of what is best for another. I Corinthians 7: 3-5 contains teaching which is illustrative of selfishness.
Recognize a spiritual partnership. Beloved, the ideal marriage is a marriage which is based on strong spiritual conviction and a spiritual foundation (1pet. 3:7; Matt. 7: 24-28). Both should be Christians – having the same beliefs, goals, and values.
Marriage is a beautiful institution. It is in this union that man and woman find their ultimate social, emotional, and biological fulfillment. Marriage, as established and ordered by God, is desirable and successful.
Recognize God’s authority. God is the creator of man and woman (Gen. 2). He is also the author of marriage (Gen. 2 ; 3). Since God knows man and woman and is the author of marriage, He certainly has the right to tell us how to have a successful marriage. From the Genesis account learn that Eve was to be a "help meet," Adam was to leave mother and father and "cleave unto his wife," Adam was also to provide, and Eve was to be subjection to Adam (Gen. 2:18, 24, 3:17-19, 16). Other scriptures tell us more about marriage (Eph. 5: 22-6:4). Marriage, as ordained by God, is monogamous and permanent. (Matt. 19:4-10).
There must be denial of selfishness. One of the paramount cases for failure in marriages is selfishness. The "love" of Ephesians 5:25, 28, 33 is an unselfish love. This love actually has as its action the seeking of what is best for another. I Corinthians 7: 3-5 contains teaching which is illustrative of selfishness.
Recognize a spiritual partnership. Beloved, the ideal marriage is a marriage which is based on strong spiritual conviction and a spiritual foundation (1pet. 3:7; Matt. 7: 24-28). Both should be Christians – having the same beliefs, goals, and values.
Marriage is a beautiful institution. It is in this union that man and woman find their ultimate social, emotional, and biological fulfillment. Marriage, as established and ordered by God, is desirable and successful.
"Let that marriage work".
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